

18 Sep

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

"Made micro-optimizations to core math libraries" 

  • eliminated several instructions from matrix multiply for Neon and improved scheduling for all platforms
  • multiplexed scalar SinCos to do both calculations at the same time (213% faster on my PC)
  • translated scalar SinCos to float32x2_t for Switch (27% faster)
  • fused the sin and cos calls in AngleToVector
  • made scaling matrix functions about half as many instructions for Neon
  • changed Noen Matrix <-> Matrix16 to use structured-load/store instructions
  • Changed determinant function to use vdot4 where it can be done with horizontal adds
  • cache-line aligned some of the matrix constants
  • simplified Neon Matrix::ScaleAxes(Vector) to match other platforms
  • shaved a few instructions and a memory acces...
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11 Sep

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
24 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

At this point it is clear that no one is going to do anything about my issue, I'm just wondering what other people think on the subject.

I think that you need more quiet time to mediate on respect and good-will -- I can extend your suspension for you if you'd like.

09 Sep

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
32 minutes ago, Xydeth said:

my drives perform far far better than 10mb/s tho...let alone some kb/s. also cache clearing was afterwards so a separate action. i dont see why all of that would result in such low speeds. im no expert on the matter but i dont see the connection.

Historically we've seen updates like this one choke because the small file operations trigger Anti-virus scanning. In local testing disabling AV radically improved the "download" speed.

08 Sep

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Took my Gauss out of the oven this morning -- http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse


01 Sep

18 Aug

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Catching up on Nightwave today on http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse

11 Aug

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Back in the saddle on http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse

28 Jul

21 Jul

19 Jul

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

For the rest of the summer I'm going to cut back to just one stream a week (the Sunday morning timeslot). It's been too hard to juggle family obligations streaming both days and I'll be hosting guests for a few weeks next month. Hopefully when things calm down in fall I can pick up Saturdays again.

14 Jul

13 Jul

06 Jul

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Instead of the usual show I'll be trying to stream some IRL footage from TennoCon on http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse  -- probably starting in about half an hour at the VIP brunch. I may not run all day because I hear the main stage of the show will be on the official Warframe twitch channel with much better cameras (and much more sober hosts) so you'll probably want to be watching that instead most of the time.

30 Jun

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Playing with [Eternal War] today on http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse

29 Jun

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can probably suss out the interaction of the Bane mods with Toxic Lash in the Simulacrum.

23 Jun

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just playin' with my Iron Staff this morning on http://twitch.tv/DE_BadHorse


22 Jun

10 Jun

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
2 hours ago, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom said:

This is incorrect. An Guandao modded with just Condition Overload and Primed Reach will hit for 145 damage against a level 160 Corpus tech, assuming it does not crit. Using a pure gas Atomos and Limbo's Banish + Stasis combo to preserve procs, Guandao will hit for 371 damage against a Corpus Tech affected by a gas proc and a toxin proc, once again, assuming no crit. 145 x 1.6^2 = 371.2 which the game displays as 371. So yes, gas proc do work for condition overload. The usefulness is another question.

I don't think you can do it without Stasis though -- when I tested on stream with a debugger I only ever got it counting the toxin. 

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct
3 minutes ago, Guandaoo said:

in the case of use of debuggers or the like on warframe , would their detection result in a warning being isued first then a suspension on repeated offence ? or just a direct suspension ? 

Since that violates the TOS that would be a ban. 

    [DE]Glen on Forums - Thread - Direct

I uploaded the snapshots of the effect of Reach mods on melee here:
